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Dynamic Lemongrass (Organic lemongrass tea)

Herbal Teas

Product Information

Dynamic Lemongrass (Organic lemongrass tea)

Lemongrass is the unavoidable part of a herbal collection in every Asian kitchen. This remarkable plant intoxicates with a gentle lemony scent, reviving effect, and temperate seductive flavour – a bit lemony, a bit sweet and a bit herbal. Our Lemongrass Verve organic lemongrass tea has been grown on pure organic fields in India in its indigenous environment and has been carefully processed to keep all the benefits and aromas.

Lemongrass is a good source of vitamins A, B and C, folate, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese. The health benefits of lemongrass include relief from stomach disorders, insomnia, respiratory disorders, fever, aches, infections, rheumatism and oedema. Lemongrass also helps in maintaining optimum cholesterol levels, cellular health, nervous system, healthy skin and immune system, effective in treating type 2 diabetes, cancer, and obesity, while also aiding in detoxification.

Lemongrass promotes the formation of milk in the breasts. It is also effective in stimulating the menstrual flow and helps in soothing menstrual cramps and discomfort. However, it is recommended consulting a physician before using lemongrass for therapeutic usage during special conditions such as pregnancy, when trying to conceive, breastfeeding, and during the course of any ongoing medical treatments.

Contains no caffeine.


Pure Dried Lemongrass Leaves


Lemony, sweet and herbal

Soothing and reviving

Water temperature: 100º Celsius
Dosage: 5 grams of tea
Amount of water: 150-200 ml
Steeping time: 5, 6 minutes
Resteeping: 2-3 times

Method: We suggest to always use freshly boiled water cooled down to the proper temperature. Use suitable tea ware and cover the teapot or a teacup when brewing. To discover delicate subtlety of each tea and get the most nutrients out of the leaves/flowers always follow the instructions, and feel free to experiment with dosage, time or temperature when you get accustomed to the tea. Higher temperature, larger amounts of leaves and longer steeping time will result in stronger infusion with more astringency. You can add sugar or honey to your tea, but we suggest trying it straight first in order to enjoy it to the fullest.

Reviving after a long day


100% certified organic as per NPOP, NOP & EU standards.

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